Burn injuries can do untold trauma and leave permanent scarring. When another person is to blame for your or a loved one’s burn injuries, they must be held accountable. To receive the compensation you deserve after a burn injury, you need an experienced attorney who will fight for you and your family. At Injured 661, we represent burn injury victims throughout the Santa Clarita Valley. Our attorneys are compassionate, dedicated advocates that will work to get you the largest possible recovery. If you have suffered serious burn injuries, contact our office at (661) 917-2224 to speak directly with a Santa Clarita burn injury lawyer today. At Injured 661, we are skilled litigators with extensive experience holding negligent parties responsible for their wrongdoing. Brain injury victims deserve an advocate who will fight for their recovery. Call our office at (661) 917-2224 for a free consultation.
What Causes Burn Injuries?
According to the American Burn Association, burn injuries are a leading cause of unintentional death and injury in the country. Burn injuries are most often caused by direct contact with fire or flame, but they can also be caused by scalding liquid, electrical components, and exposure to chemicals. Types of burn injury cases we handle include but are not limited to:
- Unsafe products
- Car accidents
- Premises liability
- Truck accidents
- Plant explosions
- Building fires
- Scalding water/unsafe pipes
- Workplace accidents
- Chemical exposure
In most circumstances, if another person was at least partially responsible for your burn injury, we can help. Our Santa Clarita burn injury lawyers are dedicated to helping as many victims as possible. We work hard to ensure that our clients receive the most extensive recovery allowed based on their losses.
Who Can Be Held Liable for a Burn Injury?
Most burn injury cases hinge on whether a person’s negligent or reckless conduct contributed to your injuries. In some cases, such as when a manufacturer sold a defective product, a defendant can be held strictly liable for injuries. Our Santa Clarita burn injury lawyers can help determine who may be legally responsible for your injuries and how to pursue a claim for damages. Parties who may be held liable for burn injuries can include:
- Manufacturers of defective products;
- Landlords that fail to follow proper fire code;
- Businesses that do not have adequate exits;
- Employers who do not keep a safe environment for their employees;
- Negligent motor vehicle operators;
- Property owners that do not adequately maintain electrical equipment and wiring;
- Chemical plants that put people at risk;
- Any negligent party that caused your injuries.
Have You Suffered a Burn Injury? Contact Injured 661 Today.
If you are a burn injury victim in the SCV, contact Injured 661 for a free consultation. Our Santa Clarita burn injury lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve after a devastating accident. Burn victims often face painful recoveries with years of reconstructive surgery. You should never have to pay out of pocket for someone else’s wrongdoing. Call our office at (661) 917-2224 to discuss your legal options. Our legal team proudly serves the entire Santa Clarita area, including Valencia, Newhall, Canyon Country, Saugus, and beyond. Never settle for less than your case is worth; get the superior legal representation you deserve.